
Product packaging has a big impact since it explains to customers and purchasers why your brand and product are unique. One of the primary issues that Iranian pistachio exporters need to address is their flawed packing system, according to Mlhorta in 2008. Many people think that the product and its performance are more crucial than the packaging, but the truth is that packaging has a significant impact on the success or failure of global sales and marketing.

Protecting the goods inside the packaging from damage is the primary goal of product packaging. Pistachios and pistachio kernels are safeguarded not only throughout transit from our production to the retailers, but also while they are displayed on store shelves thanks to sturdy and long-lasting packaging. Toppnuts Company is a wholesaler, thus retailers and repackers can utilise our packaging.

Iranian pistachios in shell are less fragile than pistachio kernels because their outer shell already shields the kernels and makes breaking difficult. As a result, Iranian pistachios in shell can be packaged in both cartons and bags or bulks, with bags being more affordable than cartons. However, some customers would like to receive pistachios in their shells in cartons because they are accustomed to this kind of packing or because they might utilise a lift truck to unload the containers rather than labor-intensive labour, necessitating the requirement for cartons with pallets. As a result, we value all shopping habits and have designed various packaging for various customers with various needs.